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◆土居 可弥さん(日英映像翻訳科 実践コース修了)

I would love to translate works that challenge the borders of identity, race, and gender, exemplified by mold-breaking artists such as Chim↑Pom. My passions also include destigmatizing mental health and appreciating street art and murals in the city. I will work from a place of empathy to depict the complex nuances of emotions and stories weaved in each work of art.

Having lived most of my life abroad, there were times when I rejected my own Japanese identity and consequently Japanese media too. Now, I am finally embracing what Japan has to offer to the rest of the world and to English speakers living in Japan. I also love that subtitles are so accessible and inclusive. I felt less alone during the pandemic when I could watch movies and shows that moved me regardless of the language, thanks to the aid of subtitles. I hope to deliver that same experience to others through my work too.

◆チョン・グアン・ジェさん(日英映像翻訳科 実践コース修了)

知識がある分野:ピアノ、音楽理論、ハーモニカ、合唱、 J-POP、ボーカロイド、化学工学、医療物理学、兵役、ソロバン、バドミントン、中国語。

【What I would like to work on in the future】
My likes: video games, manga, anime (such as works by Makoto Shinkai, Mamoru Hosoda and Studio Ghibli), music, mythology
Other things I have knowledge in: piano-playing, music theory, harmonica-playing, singing in a choir, J-pop, Vocaloid, chemical engineering, medical physics, serving in the army, the abacus, badminton, the Chinese language
Regardless of the above, I would like to accept any job I can to broaden my horizons!


【Why I chose JVTA and my memories of JVTA】
I learnt of the Japanese-to-English Visualmedia Translation Course from an advertisement by JVTA. Here, we get to learn the translation of various media directly from industry professionals, and receive timely feedback for our work. Furthermore, passing the trial at the end of the course enables us to receive jobs from JVTA. Being someone interested in Japanese-to-English translation, signing up was a no-brainer for me.
During the course, I always looked forward to seeing how the lecturers and my classmates dealt with tricky parts in our weekly assignments. I also continue to stay in touch with the new friends I made!




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